Investor Relations Overview

Corporate Profile
LMS Compliance is an established laboratory group with over 15 years of operational history and 3 accredited laboratories and 1 sales office across Malaysia, providing quality testing and certification services for customers across a gamut of industries, ranging from food, feed, fertilizer, pharmaceutical, medical devices, healthcare, industrial and Greentech.
The Group has 5 main business segments:
- Laboratory testing and assessment services
- Certification services
- Distribution of Conformity Assessment Technology
- Trading
- Assurance
IR Contact:
: Listing of LMS Compliance Ltd
Annual Report and prospectus



Financial Highlights
Lms Profit

Lms Revenue

LMS Compliance Investor Relations Website policy
General Company’s policy
At all times, the Company is committed to making timely, full and accurate disclosure and distributing other corporate communications materials* in accordance with the Singapore Code of Corporate Governance 2012.
- All disclosures submitted to the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited ("SGX-ST") through SGXNET shall be made available on the Company's well maintained and updated corporate website. *Other corporate communication materials refer to any document issued or to be issued by the Company for the information or action of its Shareholders, including, but not limited to, the annual report, a notice of meeting, a circular and a proxy form.
- This Policy is subject to regular review by the senior management and board of directors of the Company (the "Board") to ensure its effectiveness. Updates and amendments (as appropriate) will be made to reflect current best practices in our communication with Shareholders and the investment community.
Shareholders Rights
The Company is also committed to treating all Shareholders fairly and equitably, and would recognise, protect and facilitate the exercise of Shareholders' rights, and continually review and update such governance arrangements by adhering by the following guidelines:
- The Company would facilitate the opportunity for Shareholders to participate effectively in and vote at general meetings of Shareholders. The Shareholders would also be informed of the rules, including voting procedures that govern general meetings of Shareholders.
- The Company would allow corporations which provide nominee or custodial services to appoint more than two proxies so that Shareholders who hold shares through such corporations can attend and participate in general meetings as proxies.
Communications Practice
- The Company strives to provide pertinent and accurate information to its Shareholders and the investment community in an effective and timely manner.
- The Company will use clear and plain language in its communication with its Shareholders.
- The Company endeavours to provide a consistent level of disclosure on both positive and negative developments of the Company.
- The Company will communicate only through its designated spokespersons.
- The Company and designated senior spokespersons will establish and maintain regular dialogue with Shareholders, to solicit and understand the views of the Shareholders through analysts and media briefings, investor roadshows or Investors, day briefings
- The Company does not respond to rumours. However, if rumours indicate that material information has been leaked or they are in fact false or inaccurate, the rumours will be promptly denied or clarified via announcements made through SGXNET to SGX-ST.
- The Company will give reasonable access to analysts and the media to help them formulate informed opinions of the Company, but will not seek to influence those opinions.
- The Company observes a "blackout period" of 1-month prior to the announcement of its half-yearly results and one month prior to the announcement of its full-year results. During this period, the Company does not comment on industry outlook, the Group's business performance and financial results.
Investor Relations Communication
The Company actively engages its Shareholders and the investment community via:
- Annual General Meeting ("AGM") and Extraordinary General Meeting ("EGM") if necessary;
- Quarterly results presentation slides and financial results announced via SGXNET to SGX-ST and posted on the Company's corporate website;
- Half-yearly media and analysts' briefings for half-year and full-year financial results.
- One-on-one/group meetings or conference calls, investor luncheons, local/overseas roadshows and conferences;
- Site visits;
- Annual reports;
- News releases and statements;
- Notices of, and explanatory memoranda for AGMs and EGMs; and
- Corporate website (
Investors' Communication
- The Company will meet with investors, the media and analysts at appropriate times and participates in investor roadshows, and sector conferences throughout the year.
- Upon the release of half-year and full-year financial results, the Company will hold media and analysts' briefings.
Shareholders' Meetings
- The Company's AGMs are the principal communication channels with its Shareholders and for Shareholders' participation.
- All Shareholders are sent a copy of the Company's summary report with notice of AGM prior to the AGM. As and when an EGM of the Shareholders is to be held, each Shareholder will be sent a copy of a circular with notice of EGM which contains details of the matters to be proposed for Shareholders' consideration and approval.
- Notices for the general meetings setting out all items of business to be transacted at the general meeting, are also announced via SGXNET to SGX-ST.
- Members of the Board, the Company's senior management and the external auditors of the Company are in attendance at all general meetings to address Shareholders' queries. Shareholders are given the opportunity to communicate their views on various matters affecting the Company. A Shareholder is allowed to appoint up to two proxies to attend and vote at the general meetings in his/her stead.
- The Company supports voting by poll at all general meetings and the poll results are announced via SGXNET to SGX-ST on the same day of each Shareholders' meeting.
Investor Relations Website
The Company maintains an Investor Relations website (LMS Compliance Website). The Company's business developments and operations, financial reports, announcements, news releases and other information are posted on its corporate website. Both current information and archives of previously released information including presentation slides and announcements can be found under the "Investor Relations" section of the corporate website.
Investor Relations Contact
Investment community and Shareholders can contact our Investor Relations Consultants at: GEM COMM / /
Shareholders Privacy
The Company recognises the importance of Shareholders' privacy and will not disclose Shareholders' information without their consent unless required by law.
In the news
Annual Report and prospectus



LMS Compliance Investor Relations Website policy
General Company’s policy
At all times, the Company is committed to making timely, full and accurate disclosure and distributing other corporate communications materials* in accordance with the Singapore Code of Corporate Governance 2012.
- All disclosures submitted to the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited ("SGX-ST") through SGXNET shall be made available on the Company's well maintained and updated corporate website. *Other corporate communication materials refer to any document issued or to be issued by the Company for the information or action of its Shareholders, including, but not limited to, the annual report, a notice of meeting, a circular and a proxy form.
- This Policy is subject to regular review by the senior management and board of directors of the Company (the "Board") to ensure its effectiveness. Updates and amendments (as appropriate) will be made to reflect current best practices in our communication with Shareholders and the investment community.
Shareholders Rights
The Company is also committed to treating all Shareholders fairly and equitably, and would recognise, protect and facilitate the exercise of Shareholders' rights, and continually review and update such governance arrangements by adhering by the following guidelines:
- The Company would facilitate the opportunity for Shareholders to participate effectively in and vote at general meetings of Shareholders. The Shareholders would also be informed of the rules, including voting procedures that govern general meetings of Shareholders.
- The Company would allow corporations which provide nominee or custodial services to appoint more than two proxies so that Shareholders who hold shares through such corporations can attend and participate in general meetings as proxies.
Communications Practice
- The Company strives to provide pertinent and accurate information to its Shareholders and the investment community in an effective and timely manner.
- The Company will use clear and plain language in its communication with its Shareholders.
- The Company endeavours to provide a consistent level of disclosure on both positive and negative developments of the Company.
- The Company will communicate only through its designated spokespersons.
- The Company and designated senior spokespersons will establish and maintain regular dialogue with Shareholders, to solicit and understand the views of the Shareholders through analysts and media briefings, investor roadshows or Investors, day briefings
- The Company does not respond to rumours. However, if rumours indicate that material information has been leaked or they are in fact false or inaccurate, the rumours will be promptly denied or clarified via announcements made through SGXNET to SGX-ST.
- The Company observes a "blackout period" of 1-month prior to the announcement of its half-yearly results and one month prior to the announcement of its full-year results. During this period, the Company does not comment on industry outlook, the Group's business performance and financial results.
Investor Relations Communication
The Company actively engages its Shareholders and the investment community via:
- Annual General Meeting ("AGM") and Extraordinary General Meeting ("EGM") if necessary;
- quarterly results presentation slides and financial results announced via SGXNET to SGX-ST and posted on the Company's corporate website;
- Half-yearly media and analysts' briefings for half-year and full-year financial results.
- One-on-one/group meetings or conference calls, investor luncheons, local/overseas roadshows and conferences;
- Site visits;
- Annual reports;
- News releases and statements;
- Notices of, and explanatory memoranda for AGMs and EGMs; and
- Corporate website (
Investors' Communication
- The Company will meet with investors, the media and analysts at appropriate times and participates in investor roadshows, and sector conferences throughout the year.
- Upon the release of half-year and full-year financial results, the Company will hold media and analysts' briefings.
Shareholders' Meetings
- The Company's AGMs are the principal communication channels with its Shareholders and for Shareholders' participation.
- All Shareholders are sent a copy of the Company's summary report with notice of AGM prior to the AGM. As and when an EGM of the Shareholders is to be held, each Shareholder will besent a copy of a circular with notice of EGM which contains details of the matters to be proposed for Shareholders' consideration and approval.
- Notices for the general meetings setting out all items of business to be transacted at the general meeting, are also announced via SGXNET to SGX-ST.
- Members of the Board, the Company's senior management and the external auditors of the Company are in attendance at all general meetings to address Shareholders' queries.Shareholders are given the opportunity to communicate their views on various matters affecting the Company. A Shareholder is allowed to appoint up to two proxies to attend and vote at the generalmeetings in his/her stead.
- The Company supports voting by poll at all general meetings and the poll results are announced via SGXNET to SGX-ST on the same day of each Shareholders' meeting.
Investor Relations Website
The Company maintains an Investor Relations website (LMS Compliance Website). The Company's business developments and operations, financial reports, announcements, news releases and other information are posted on its corporate website. Both current information and archives of previously released information including presentation slides and announcements can be found under the "Investor Relations" section of the corporate website.
Investor Relations Contact
Investment community and Shareholders can contact our Investor Relations Consultants at: GEM COMM
Shareholders Privacy
The Company recognises the importance of Shareholders' privacy and will not disclose Shareholders' information without their consent unless required by law.