Conformity Assessment Technology
Our Group markets and distributes online cloud-based applications such as “aikinz-LIMS” and “aizenz”.
Our “aikinz-LIMS” application is a digital laboratory information management system, which helps our customers to streamline and digitalise laboratory operations. Through “aikinz-LIMS”, users are able to conveniently and electronically generate certifi cates of analysis which are issued after results of laboratory tests are analysed. Our aikinz-LIMS also increases the traceability of test results via embedded traceable QR codes in test reports, which allows our customers to (i) access their test results quickly at any location, and (ii) safeguard their products against counterfeits which do not have such embedded QR codes. Furthermore, all confidential data and communications are stored in our secured server, which helps to minimise leakage and misappropriation of information and test results. In 2020, “aikinz-LIMS” was commercialized, and as for the period of 1 year up to 16 September 2022, there are approximately 24,000 online users of “aikiniz-LIMS” across 41 countries .
Our “aizenz” application is a one-stop ISO certification platform that enhances the efficiency of certification process for businesses. It is a three-in-one certification programme consisting of online document hosting, consultation and certification that helps reduce the lead time one would typically take for sourcing and price negotiation with separate external consultants and certification bodies. Further, the platform’s online document management system improves document and process flow, thus saving time and effort for businesses. Furthermore, aisinz was launched in 2022, being digital product that provides global real-time surveillance and access to data such as safety and hygiene information about products or premises through QR codes.